O.k. Boys, this one’s mine!
12 x 24, oil on Canvas
When I watch my girls on the ski hill, it makes me so very happy to know that they can ride anything the boys can. I see so many little girls who can rip the hill like it’s nobody’s business. I see the confidence in their movement, and I love it. I know they’re little girls because their colours are pinks, purples, and teals, and they have ponies and braids that stick out of their helmets. I’m sure there are little girls riding in blue, black, and green too…and other colours that are stereotypically “boy colours” but I don’t think there are as many boys riding in pinks and purples. I’m guilty of this bias, but I’m pretty certain that when I see pink or purple snowsuits at the ski hill, there’s a little girl bundled up in there.
I let my girls choose their colours. And they choose “girly” colours, so I roll with it. However, I feel that if they are going to wear pinks and purples, they should also stand-up and show their strength…and confidence…and perseverance…and determination…and grit…and everything it takes to grow into strong women.
After all, colours don’t matter…it doesn’t matter what colour you’ve got on your back, it shouldn’t stop you. And I love when my girls wear “girly colours” on the hill, because honestly, I know that when they hold their poles out like they mean it, and when they take a stance to get that first line, and when, without hesitation, they point it down the slope…their purple and pink streaks make me proud…because to them…they chose their colours, but it has nothing to do with girl versus boy…and at the end of the day, it’s getting that first line that matters.