Queen of Gnar I
12 x 12, oil on canvas
Every season, we watch the newest Matchstick release but every year, Attack of La Nina (2011) gets played in our house, ahead of the upcoming ski season. It was released the same year that our youngest was born. The music became her bedtime playlist and some of the songs still play on our “Ski Pump-up” playlist on our way to the ski hill.
Ellie grew an affinity to the cover and the opening scene when La Nina throws up snow everywhere. It became her favourite ski movie. We started to call her the Queen of Gnar and one day, on a ski club “dress-up” day, she wanted to dress up with nothing more than a crown duct taped to her helmet and sharpie that read QUEEN OF GNAR. For years, she skied with the “Queen of Gnar” cut out duct tape letters stuck to her helmet, with a tiny crown on top. We went through several crowns!
The Queen of Gnar I is inspired by Ellie. For a long time, she skied in a purple jacket, pink pants, pink helmet, and a crown. This is a depiction of her.