Art Notes
These art notes are short blurbs about my experiences with exploring the art world.
They are a collection of reflections from my personal journey.
A Reflection on the Great Ronald à Gonzague
Ronald a Gonzague was an Acadian Artist from Isle Madame, where I grew up, who heavily influenced my art practice. This is a reflection of his influence on my practice, that was recently read at an expo as a tribute to him.
J’explique “Acadie Fort”
In my latest “Art Note,” I explain my painting “Acadie Fort” and provide insight into my Acadian Heritage.
Art this past Summer did NOT include IG or FB!
Taking a break from IG and FB was my summer’s Art. Being present and enjoying time with my crew was well worth it, and now I’m fully inspired to paint this fall!
My Journey to Artist: Reality Bites
The journey to becoming an artist can be challenging. Those of us who have the ability to create full time is a gift and we must recognize that there are many talented individuals who will never have that opportunity. This is my journey.
My First Art Job
In this art note, Van talks about her first art job painting fire hydrants and the kindness that ensued from a local community man, who gifted her a pottery mug.